Sport and Sustainability international (SandSI) is just a new-born baby, that ca…

Sport and Sustainability international (SandSI) is just a new-born baby, that came to life on May 23 2017, after a 2+year pregnancy period during which its beloved parents met on repeated occasions in London, Lausanne or Munich, having intense discussions on what kind of child they should give birth to, and how they should educate it to ensure it’d become the most adorable and perfect citizen-of-the-World that one may dream of.
Guess what? The child is here, strong and lively, and is growing so fast that it miraculously happens to start running even before it knew how to walk!
Dear friends having at heart to get this sustainability flower bloom and smell altogether the lily-of-the-valley, the rose and the daffodil rather than spilt oil, highway fumes and coal chimneys, we are delighted to announce to you that our SandSI baby boasts 200+ members from 50+ countries on all continents!
Among them big names, which we do not need to introduce, but also small entities which are “doing their share”, using sport to make our World more bearable and sustainable. Let us name a few:
– the Oceanium in Senegal and Nardy Green Planet in Togo, contributing to reforestation in Western Africa
– the Bandisanani Project initiative, that gives hope to children in South Africa
– the Associaçao de Canoagem de Itacaré in Brazil, that brings Bahia’s youth away from drugs and prostitution
– the Comité Sports pour Tous de Guyane (Guyana) that multiplies events raising awareness on the beauty and fragility of Planet Earth, and brings local populations to work at nourishing community solidarity and taking their share of responsibility through concrete field action
– le Maraisthon in France, one of the eco-friendliest and most respected marathon races in the World, setting the green way and the right pace for the millions of sport events that still need guidance to minimize their(sometimes disastrous) footprint
– Sport For Smile, a meaningfully powerful Japanese association re-inventing Japanese sport and pushing all actors to change their minds and behaviors the sustainable way.
And the list may go on, of sport & sustainability entities or persons composing SandSI, and devoting their time, energy and money to ensure that the Planet we live on will still be livable and enjoyable in the coming decades and centuries.
Dear friends, the Board of Directors and staff of Sport and Sustainability International wish you peace and good health in 2018. Together, we can change the World.
