#ASKforChoice Strategist, Nora Dooley, and our CAC family is excited to announce…


#ASKforChoice Strategist, Nora Dooley, and our CAC family is excited to announce the recent publication of her fathers book – The Bicycle Kick, By Ted Dooley! To show your support for CAC and to read this incredible story – you can purchase the book at Smile.Amazon.Com with CAC as your charity of choice! ⚽️ https://smile.amazon.com/Bicycle-Kick-Ted-Dooley/dp/179013899X/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547040272&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=ted+dooley&dpPl=1&dpID=41nosZbX7IL&ref=plSrch

