This is a Veronica Bucket. It’s a sanitation set-up with a bucket, a tap fixed a…


This is a Veronica Bucket. It’s a sanitation set-up with a bucket, a tap fixed at the bottom, held above a bowl.

They are used as simple way to encourage proper hand washing in areas without running water, helping save lives by reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Since 2009, they’ve been a staple in the work of Ugandan network member @watotowasoka, which translates to ‘Football Kids’ in Swahili.

Central to their vision in changing lives in Bakuli is their Football4Wash programme, where ‘football kids’ associate their love for playing with good hygiene.

In recent weeks, Watoto Wasoka’s Veronica Buckets and many more will be vital in the push to fight the spread of the coronavirus.

So too are the organisation’s efforts to raise awareness, to distribute supplies like soap, and the education it provides on the six steps to hand washing.


