“Through climbing you not only learn how to climb, but also how to fall and beca…


“Through climbing you not only learn how to climb, but also how to fall and because of that how to get up on your feet again try it again.”
Through Oct 9, we’re amplifying the 2020 #beyondsport Global Award Shortlisters who are building healthier communities through sport.

Today, hear from Beat Baggenstos Founder of @climbaid who shares how they use climbing and other activities to support people affected by war, poverty and displacement in Lebanon.
Take the Journey with Beat and then share widely to show how Climbing for Peace supports #refugees and the local population #mentalhealth.

#sameteam #goal3 #climbing #sportforsocialchange #health #wellbeing #mentalhealth #leavnoonebehind #healthcare #ptsd #lebanon #syria #palestine #gofargotogether #ptsd #refugees #humanitarian #peace #bouldering #rockclimbing @mollyts123


