Impact News: #PartOfTheSolution #CACTogether 1. We have accepted three new Imp…


Impact News:

#PartOfTheSolution #CACTogether

1. We have accepted three new Impact partners so far in 2020- New Zealand Maori Football, South End Soccer in the USA, and Kigezi Soccer Academy in Uganda. Welcome to the CAC family!

2. Our partners in Cambodia ISF Cambodia had their social workers describe life on the COVID-19 frontlines. “We’re doing everything we can to stop kids from dropping out of education forever,” says Sree, ISF social worker. “But things are very hard out there. There’s more poverty, more drugs and more violence since the virus came.”

3. We have been able to discuss our latest #COVID19 resource which focuses on addressing #MentalHealth through #PurposefulPlay with our Impact partners ACER Brasil. We were sharing ideas about how to adapt it for #Diadema and #Brasil!

