Creating Legacies 17 #WhatsYourLegacy? #CreatingLegacies We are honoured to ha…


Creating Legacies 17

#WhatsYourLegacy? #CreatingLegacies

We are honoured to have been featured in the latest edition of @sportsinsociety written by Jay Coakley as “one of the few organizations with an explicit theory of change and a methodology for facilitating change…(CAC) guiding theory is that meaningful and sustainable change occurs through a bottom-up, inside-out, community building process. This process is driven by local people who learn to critically assess their own cultural practices and social policies as they identify, address, and solve problems specific to their communities. Through a 3-year “organizational development and sport for social impact education” program, people in selected communities become self directed experiential learners with the ability to identify, analyze, and deal with local issues in ways that positively impact their collective future”

